Wednesday, May 22, 2013

HW from 5/21/13

Due on 5/23/13:

Pray for Gloria and her family as they walk through the pain of Ian's death. 

"No eye has seen, nor ear has heard, nor mind can conceive, what God has planned for those who love Him!" - 1 Corinthians 2:9

* If you are so inclined, you may prepare some sort of treat to share in class tomorrow.

* We will be playing a game together as a class tomorrow.  We will also watch a few funny YouTube video clips.  If you have a fun video clip you think the class would enjoy viewing, please email me a link to it so that I can preview it before showing it to the class.  

* Establish and continue in the daily habit of Scripture memory and review.  Choose the best method that will work for you to review one verse each day so that they stay fresh in your mind over your lifetime.
(The verses we learned together as a class this year are Psalm 141:3, Titus 2:11-14, and Ephesians 4:29-32.)  Choose the next verse you are working on memorizing and make a Scripture memory card for it.  Bring it to class tomorrow.

* You have established a habit of daily reading for pleasure for 30 minutes.  If you continue to use the summer reading logs I gave you, you will more successfully maintain this wonderful habit.  Remember that the reading of high-quality literature is the single easiest method of increasing vocabulary, enhancing writing ability, and growing in understanding of English grammar, syntax, and sentence structure.  Reading good literature regularly will make you a better writer!

* Your classmates' stories are posted on the website.  As your school workload is easing up, take some time to read your classmates' wonderful stories!

------- OPENING (Bible verse and prayer):

For Th, 5/23: Micah M.

Friday, May 17, 2013

HW from 5/16/13

Due on 5/21/13:

Pray for Gloria and her family as they walk through the pain of Ian's death. 

"Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer." - Romans 12:12

* Poetry quiz on Tuesday.  See the class website to review!  (Use the link for "Topics of Study Q4" on the left sidebar of the class website, or click it above.)

* Finish your theme story, completing tasks in the following order:

1) Complete your D1 ASAP if you haven't done so yet!!  You're out of time!  Print it out and have three people proofread it for errors and sign it.  

2) Edit and correct your paper based on their feedback, then email your revised draft to me at ASAP if you haven't done so yet!!  You're running out of time!

3) Receive back the "marked up" copy from me via email.  Make suggested changes and corrections.

4) Print a beautiful "perfect" copy of your revised paper (D2) to turn.  You will need to turn in your signed D1 and your corrected D2 (and your Markup copy if you printed it) on Tuesday.

5) After you print it to turn it in, email me a copy of your D2 theme story at my regular email with the subject line "____'s theme story for the website" so I can post your story online.

* Some of the theme stories (and all of the mystery stories!) are posted on the website.  If you have time, have fun reading your classmates' endings!

* Be prepared to recite any of your three memory verses at any time (Psalm 141:3, Titus 2:11-14, and Ephesians 4:29-32).  You might choose to review one verse each day so that they stay fresh in your mind. 


* Reading for Reading Log: 30 minutes daily. 

NOTE: Our standard paper parameters are as follows: 12-point Times New Roman or Arial font, 1-inch margins, double-spaced, with 5-space paragraph indentation and no extra lines between paragraphs.  Your final paper must be at least 5 full typewritten pages, but no more than 25 typewritten pages, when you turn it in.  You will add pages at a rate of two pages per homework day until your paper is finished.  Please turn in your D1 (see instructions above) as soon as it is complete if it is complete before the due date.

------- OPENING (Bible verse and prayer):

For Tu, 5/21: Claire M.

For Th, 5/23: Micah M.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

HW from 5/14/13

Due on 5/16/13:

Pray for Gloria and her family as they walk through the pain of Ian's death. 

"You, O Lord, keep my lamp burning; my God turns my darkness into light.  With your help I can advance against a troop; with my God I can scale a wall." - Psalm 18:28-29

* Be prepared for a poetry quiz at any time.  See the class notes to review!  (Use the link for "Topics of Study Q4" on the left sidebar of the class website, or click it above.)

* Finish your theme story, completing tasks in the following order:

1) Complete your D1 ASAP if you haven't done so yet!!  You're out of time!  Print it out and have three people proofread it for errors and sign it.  

2) Edit and correct your paper based on their feedback, then email your revised draft to me at ASAP if you haven't done so yet!!  You're running out of time!

3) Receive back the "marked up" copy from me via email.  Make suggested changes and corrections.

4) Print a beautiful "perfect" copy of your revised paper (D2) to turn in during class.  You will need to turn in your signed D1 and your corrected D2 (and your Markup copy if you printed it) in class.

5) After you print it to turn it in, email me a copy of your D2 theme story at my regular email with the subject line "____'s theme story for the website" so I can post your story online.

* In the poetry packet I gave you, scan the following poems (scan = find the rhyme scheme and the rhythmic foot):

1) "Little" (p.38)
2) "Our Silly Little Sister" (p.40)
3) "Animal Crackers" (p.43)
4) "I've Got A New Book From My Grandfather Hyde" (p.45)
5) "I Like Housecleaning" (p.47)

* Some of the theme stories (and all of the mystery stories!) are posted on the website.  If you have time, have fun reading your classmates' endings!

* Be prepared to recite any of your three memory verses at any time (Psalm 141:3, Titus 2:11-14, and Ephesians 4:29-32).  You might choose to review one verse each day so that they stay fresh in your mind. 

* Send me an email indicating that you have carefully read the homework blog and that you understand everything that is to be completed for the next class period.  You will receive extra credit this time if you indicate that you know your signed reading log is due tomorrow AND bring it to class tomorrow!

* Reading for Reading Log: 30 minutes daily. (May's Reading Log is due, signed by your parent, tomorrow.)

NOTE: Our standard paper parameters are as follows: 12-point Times New Roman or Arial font, 1-inch margins, double-spaced, with 5-space paragraph indentation and no extra lines between paragraphs.  Your final paper must be at least 5 full typewritten pages, but no more than 25 typewritten pages, when you turn it in.  You will add pages at a rate of two pages per homework day until your paper is finished.  Please turn in your D1 (see instructions above) as soon as it is complete if it is complete before the due date.

------- OPENING (Bible verse and prayer):

For Th, 5/16: Emily T.

For Tu, 5/21: Claire M.

For Th, 5/23: Micah M.

Friday, May 10, 2013

HW from 5/9/13

Due on 5/14/13:

Pray for Gloria and her family as they walk through the pain of Ian's death. 

"May your unfailing love be with us, Lord, even as we put our hope in you." - Psalm 33:22

* Be prepared for a poetry quiz at any time.

* Finish your theme story as quickly as possible, completing tasks in the following order:

1) Complete your D1 ASAP if you haven't done so yet!!  You're running out of time!  Print it out and have three people proofread it for errors and sign it.  

2) Edit and correct your paper based on their feedback, then email your revised draft to me at ASAP if you haven't done so yet!!  You're running out of time!

3) Receive back the "marked up" copy from me via email.  Make suggested changes and corrections.

4) Print a beautiful "perfect" copy of your revised paper (D2) to turn in during class.  You will need to turn in your signed D1 and your corrected D2 (and your Markup copy if you printed it) in class.

5) After you print it to turn it in, email me a copy of your D2 theme story at my regular email with the subject line "____'s theme story for the website" so I can post your story online.

* In the poetry packet I gave you, scan the following poems (scan = find the rhyme scheme and the rhythmic foot):

1) "A Baby's Feet" (p.38) - NOTE: read "heaven" as "heav'n" and "flower" as "flow'r" (1 syllable)

2) "Sisters" (p.39)
3) "The Quarrel" (p.41)
4) "A Child's Grace" (p.45)
5) "A Pop Corn Song" (p.45)
6) "Mr. Nobody" (p.49)

* Most all of the mystery stories are posted on the website.  If you have time, have fun reading your classmates' endings!

* Be prepared to recite any of your three memory verses at any time (Psalm 141:3, Titus 2:11-14, and Ephesians 4:29-32).  You might choose to review one verse each day so that they stay fresh in your mind. 

* Send me an email indicating that you have carefully read the homework blog and that you understand everything that is to be completed for the next class period.  You will receive extra credit this time if you write your notification with an ABAB rhyme scheme.

* Reading for Reading Log: 30 minutes daily. (May's Reading Log will be due, signed by your parent, on next Thursday, May 16.)

NOTE: Our standard paper parameters are as follows: 12-point Times New Roman or Arial font, 1-inch margins, double-spaced, with 5-space paragraph indentation and no extra lines between paragraphs.  Your final paper must be at least 5 full typewritten pages, but no more than 25 typewritten pages, when you turn it in.  You will add pages at a rate of two pages per homework day until your paper is finished.  Please turn in your D1 (see instructions above) as soon as it is complete if it is complete before the due date.

------- OPENING (Bible verse and prayer):

For Tu, 5/14: Hannah D. (replacement for Emily W.)
For Th, 5/16: Emily T.

For Tu, 5/21: Claire M.

For Th, 5/23: Micah M.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

HW from 5/7/13

Due on 5/9/13:

* Pray for Gloria and her family as they walk through the pain of Ian's death. 

"Have I not told you?  Be strong and courageous.  Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." - Joshua 1:9

* Be prepared for a poetry quiz at any time.

* Complete the D1 of your theme storyPrint it out and have three people proofread it for errors (and sign it). 

* Edit and correct your paper based on their feedback, then email your revised draft to me at You will turn in your signed/edited copy in class but do not need to print a copy of your revised paper until after you receive back the MarkUp copy.

* Most all of the mystery stories are posted on the website.  If you have time, have fun reading your classmates' endings!

* Be prepared to recite any of your three memory verses at any time (Psalm 141:3, Titus 2:11-14, and Ephesians 4:29-32).  You might choose to review one verse each day so that they stay fresh in your mind. 

* Send me an email indicating that you have carefully read the homework blog and that you understand everything that is to be completed for the next class period.  You will receive extra credit this time if your  notification contains an example of figurative language.

* Reading for Reading Log: 30 minutes daily. (May's Reading Log will be due, signed by your parent, on Thursday, May 16.)

NOTE: Our standard paper parameters are as follows: 12-point Times New Roman or Arial font, 1-inch margins, double-spaced, with 5-space paragraph indentation and no extra lines between paragraphs.  Your final paper must be at least 5 full typewritten pages, but no more than 25 typewritten pages, when you turn it in.  You will add pages at a rate of two pages per homework day until your paper is finished.  Please turn in your D1 (see instructions above) as soon as it is complete if it is complete before the due date.

------- OPENING (Bible verse and prayer):

For Th, 5/9: Seth Q.

For Tu, 5/14: Hannah D. (replacement for Emily W.)
For Th, 5/16: Emily T.

For Tu, 5/21: Claire M.

For Th, 5/23: Micah M.

Friday, May 3, 2013

HW from 5/2/13

Due on 5/7/13:

* Pray for Gloria and her family as they walk through the pain of Ian's death. 

"But I cry to you for help, O Lord; in the morning my prayer comes before you." - Psalm 88:13

* Be prepared for a poetry quiz at any time.

* Scan the two poems I gave you in class (Daffodils and The Tiger) meaning, figure out the rhyme scheme and rhythmic foot.  Come prepared to turn that in on Tuesday. 

* Complete the D1 of your theme storyPrint it out and have three people proofread it for errors (and sign it) by Tuesday, 5/7.  You will bring this signed copy to class on Tuesday.  

* You will then have until Thursday, 5/9, to edit and correct your paper based on their feedback. You will  email your revised draft to me at before class on Thursday, 5/9 and you will turn in your signed/edited copy in class on Thursday, 5/9.  You will not need to print a revised copy for Thursday, 5/9.

NOTE: Our standard paper parameters are as follows: 12-point Times New Roman or Arial font, 1-inch margins, double-spaced, with 5-space paragraph indentation and no extra lines between paragraphs.  Your final paper must be at least 5 full typewritten pages, but no more than 25 typewritten pages, when you turn it in.  You will add pages at a rate of two pages per homework day until your paper is finished.  Please turn in your D1 (see instructions above) as soon as it is complete if it is complete before the due date.

* Most all of the mystery stories are posted on the website.  If you have time, have fun reading your classmates' endings!

* Be prepared to recite any of your three memory verses at any time (Psalm 141:3, Titus 2:11-14, and Ephesians 4:29-32).  You might choose to review one verse each day so that they stay fresh in your mind. 

* Send me an email indicating that you have carefully read the homework blog and that you understand everything that is to be completed for the next class period.  You will receive extra credit this time if you write your notification email in third person point of view rather than in first person point of view.

* Reading for Reading Log: 30 minutes daily. (May's Reading Log will be due, signed by your parent, on Thursday, May 16.)

------- OPENING (Bible verse and prayer):

For Tu, 5/7: Gloria M.
For Th, 5/9: Seth Q.

For Tu, 5/14: Lucy W.
For Th, 5/16: Emily T.

For Tu, 5/21: Claire M.

For Th, 5/23: Micah M.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

HW from 4/30/13

Due on 5/2/13:

* Pray for Gloria and her family as they walk through the pain of Ian's death. 

"I have set the Lord always before me.  Because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken." - Psalm 16:8

* Have your report card signed by a parent and return it to me if you have not done so yet.  (You know who you are!)

* Bring your signed April Reading Log to turn in on Thursday.

* Be prepared for a poetry quiz any time.

* Continue writing your D1 of your theme storyYou will need to complete this draft, print it out, and have three people proofread it for errors (and sign it) by Tuesday, 5/7.   

* You will then have until Thursday, 5/9, to edit and correct your paper based on their feedback. You will turn in your signed/edited copy in class on Thursday, 5/9, and email your revised draft to me at before class time on Thursday, 5/9.

NOTE: Our standard paper parameters are as follows: 12-point Times New Roman or Arial font, 1-inch margins, double-spaced, with 5-space paragraph indentation and no extra lines between paragraphs.  Your final paper must be at least 5 full typewritten pages, but no more than 25 typewritten pages, when you turn it in.  You will add pages at a rate of two pages per homework day until your paper is finished.  Please turn in your D1 (see instructions above) as soon as it is complete if it is complete before the due date.

* If you have not done so, email me a copy of your final D2 of the mystery story to post on the website.

* Be prepared to recite any of your three memory verses at any time (Psalm 141:3, Titus 2:11-14, and Ephesians 4:29-32).  You might choose to review one verse each day so that they stay fresh in your mind. 

* Send me an email indicating that you have carefully read the homework blog and that you understand everything that is to be completed for the next class period.  You will receive extra credit this time if you write your notification email in a line or lines of iambic pentameter.  (If you don't know what that means, know that you need to do some more review for your impending quiz!)

* Reading for Reading Log: 30 minutes daily. (May's Reading Log will be due, signed by your parent, on Thursday, May 16.)

------- OPENING (Bible verse and prayer):

For Th, 5/2: Mariah S.

For Tu, 5/7: Gloria M.
For Th, 5/9: Seth Q.

For Tu, 5/14: Lucy W.
For Th, 5/16: Emily T.

For Tu, 5/21: Claire M.

For Th, 5/23: Micah M.